Jigme was tireless in his work for a Tibet, free and independent of China .
With this short Walk For Jigme Norbu la we would like to pay respect to this man and his work.
Photos by: Joe Hamilton.
February 19. & 20, 2011, Bavaria, Southern Germany.

FREE TIBET: Walk For Jigme Norbu la, 19. & 20.2.2011, Bavaria, Southern Germany.
Photo Courtesy: Joe Hamilton.

FREE TIBET: Walk For Jigme Norbu la, 19. & 20.2.2011, Bavaria, Southern Germany.
Photo Courtesy: Joe Hamilton.
Joe Hamilton:
A special thanks to the lovely people that came from different places in Germany to Walk For Jigme Norbu la!! Sherab la, Evi, Nhan, Karma, Dolma, Sonam and Tsering Norbu ! It was really cold and very tempting to just stay in but the Rangzen... fire kept us warm !
It is always a pleasure to spend time DOING something in the real world and I think that was also Jigme la´s message !
FB and the internet generally are great things and it is so important that we continue to share information and thought and ideas !
But we must continue to DO in the real world coz we need that fresh air for our brains and hearts !
It´s great to make a real connection with real people...you can´t beat it !
Like Tibetans inside Tibet...they are REAL people and not some abstract thought or dream.
We have to do real things for them !
Jigme Norbu la was a real man and a very intelligent man ! He knew what he was walking for and why he was walking !
This will not be the last walk that we will do because we saw, as we did in 2008, how the people react when they see REAL Tibetans walking peacefully for their Cause !
It is always a very special experience that we Hamiltons fully appreciate and enjoy to have the honour to walk with Tibetans !
Love and respect...Free Tibet !