Three members of Central Executive Committee of TYC has taken a FAST UNDER DEATH in Delhi from April.16.2011 and their physical condition is deteriorating day by day. His Holiness the dalai Lama has appealed to the international community to raise their voice against the terror tactics of CCP. Over hundred monks from the Kirti Monastery in Dharamsala is undertaking peace march from Dharamasala go Delhi. The entire population of Ngaba County came out in the streets with their demand for withdrawal of armed military forces from the Monastery. We take this spontaneous upsurge of local Tibetan as an unmistakable expression of their resentment against the indifference of the Chinese Communist regime and their failure to respect the basic human rights in Tibet.
Please invoke your own sensitivity/conscience to the effect of the festering tragedy of monks of the Kirti Monastery and raise your voice against CCP by joining the Rally Hunger Strike at Chinese Consulate, 240 St. George St. Toronto (from 9am to 3pm (Monday to Friday). Please join the Rally Hunger Strike if your conscience does not allow Military attack on a Monastery, a place of worship. Contact Mr. Jampa for further information: 647-706-1559
Cell no: +91 – 980-524-7259
Office No: +91 - 1892-221554
E-mail: wewillfreetibet@gmail.com