KIRTI MONASTERY....TIBET ............. Facing A Great Disaster
On March 16, after the young monk Phuntsog died from self-immolation, over a thousand military police armed to the teeth surrounded the unarmed and defenseless Kirti Monastery. Starting from March 20, cadres and officials from all levels of Sichuan as well as Ngaba region and county took over 2500 monks through “patriotic education”; it is said that high officials from Beijing had hurried down to issue such strict instructions.......
“education” didn’t spare anyone. The monks in the monastery were divided into four groups and the armed police and cadres also separated into four work teams, supervising every single person, meticulously registering every single monk. In fact, the word “supervise” is too moderate; they monitored them, talked to them insistently and forced them to obey.....
If someone did not obey, well, the outcome would be very simple, they would brutally start beating them and then make them disappear; as for where they would disappear to, whether to prison or some other inhuman world, we do not know, we only know that up to now, hundreds of monks have been arrested. More than ten days ago, the news from a different monastery in Amdo, Labrang Monastery, arrived that the monk Jamyang Jinba had died from torture and other savage treatments. Three years ago, he was arrested for 15 days because he petitioned for peace and when he was released he had not only lost his sight in both eyes, every single bone in his body had been smashed to bits.......